In Joyce A Pagán Nieves, the pragmatic work of advocacy, artistic idealism and the mystique of the spiritual angelic world are combined into a perfect balance.

Who is Joyce Pagán?

JOYCE A. PAGAN NIEVES was born in Ausburg, Germany. Since the age of 4, he has lived in Puerto Rico, where his parents are from. During childhood he demonstrated a marked penchant for the spiritual and the mystical experience. This sensibility, evolved and perfected thanks to his formal studies in the field of esoteric, has given him vast knowledge around the subject of Los Angeles.

His books about Angeles are on the best-sellers' lists in major bookstores, listed as "best sellers". On Amazon your books are sold out. In particular, "Meet Your Angels and Communicate with Them" a Practice Manual, Rituals," Take Control of Your Life and Don't Fall Victim to Anyone," "Praying to the Angels," "Embraced by the Angels," "Open Your Heart to the Angels, and "Sacred Ceremonies to Lift the Spirit" and "Praying to Heal to the Angels of God" sold out in record time.

In addition to being a receptive channel for Angelic messages, this Writer, is a healer certified by Magnified Healing and Pranic Healing and Practice Aromatherapy, Crystal Therapy, Chromotherapy, Feng Shui, the scientific reading of the Aura and the opening and balance of the Chakras, the Angelicals cards, the intuitive Tarot, the Spanish cards, the pendulum, the dowsing rods, the Runes , oriental oracles and interpretation of dreams.

Joyce Pagan

Along with his Spiritual Development he studied Psychology at the University of Puerto Rico. He holds a Juris Doctor from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and does postgraduate studies at Harvard Law School.

She has taught university in matters ranging from the Humanities and Social Sciences, to Mercántil Law. She is a former Judge of the General Court of Justice of Puerto Rico and currently stands out as a prestigious lawyer litigating Family Relations, with cases in the Supreme Court of Puerto
Rico. He is also a Notary for Florida, Certified Family Mediator for the Florida Supreme Court and Qualified Arbitrator and Life Coach.

She is also a lecturer, motivator, public figure and participates for the mass media, local and international television, written press, both as an expert lawyer and as an expert on the subject of the Angels. She regularly participates in programs in the United States, such as Despierta Orlando twice a week in which she interprets dreams of viewers and the interaction between how the Angels can connect with us humans.

By using her knowledge in the psychological and legal field united with the spiritual – Angelical field she had managed to guide other human beings towards their personal and spiritual growth, transformation and self-realization.

Throughout her life she has manifested her talents in the fine arts as a poet, prossist, painting, sculptor and photographer. Her book,
Reforestando was sponsored by the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture and her book La Mujer de la Pecera, received honorable mention from the Press Club chapter of Puerto Rico.

She has also been recognized and awarded as An Exemplary Woman of the Capital of Puerto Rico, for her outstanding social and spiritual work and was